
Hobgoblin Standoff, Chapter 5, Book I

From the Chronology: 7 Coldeven (March), 590 CY After another night of rest the party went after the hobgoblins but found them tactically more proficient then the kobolds or goblins had been. They snuck from the caverns to attack the party from both sides. After blood fight to a draw, the party cut a deal with hobgoblins to attack the orcs instead.   The Secret Rooms behind the Goblin's storeroom The narrative: The party was very confident after slaughtering the goblins. They discovered a secret door at the back of the goblin lair that led to secret complex of rooms that led to secret storerooms and armories of the hobgoblins, but after a few sharp fights with hobgoblin guards they pulled out and went to rest.  When they returned the next morning well rested with spells rememorized they debated how to go after the hobgoblins. They had discovered two entries, through the secret door from the goblin storerooms, or to the east down a long corridor and up a couple flights of stairs to

Goblin Slaughter, Chapter 4, Book I

From the Chronology: 6 Coldeven (March), 590 CY   Another return to the keep after destroying the kobolds, and a good nights rest. The band decided their next target would be the goblins, so the next morning they again assaulted the goblin warren. They emptied it, killing nearly all of the goblins but a few fled to the hobgoblins' caves. Player's maps of the Goblin Lair The narrative: Hobart's Rolling Shields After a good night's rest, the band decided their next target would be the goblins. That morning they left the Keep and slipped silently to the Caves of Chaos, arriving late in the morning, Making good use of Hobar's rolling shields they assaulted the goblin warren, cleaning the guardrooms by the entrance and the ogre's cave out first, then proceeding to the main hall where they found the goblins barricaded in mass. The party burned them out, killing many with fire and magic. They slaughtered the boss, Big Chief Joe and his bodyguard.  A handful of goblins

Chronology of the Awakened Legends Campaigns

The Awakened Legends  campaigns are part of the larger  Lúmequentalë Númenostan, the fancy name I have given to the many interrelated Dungeons & Dragons campaigns I have run since I started gaming in 1980.  More on the  Lúmequentalë Númenostan can be found here , including a a chronology of the campaigns. The Awakened Legends  have marked a return to the Greyhawk  campaign setting after decades of running campaigns primarily in the Forgotten Realms and Spelljammer settings.  This chronology only mentions non-campaign events that impact southern Keoland and its surrounding lands.  Chronology 582 CY  The continent wide "Greyhawk Wars" begin in the Flanaess. At first they seem focused to the north around Iuz and Furyondy, and in the east around the Great Kingdom, far from Keoland.  583 CY  At the height of the Greyhawk Wars, giants from the surrounding mountains conquer the Grand Duchy of Geoff and Sterich. The Scarlett Brotherhood conquers the Hold of the Sea Princes thr

Kobolds Chaos, Chapter 3, Book I

  Playing in the Pandemic! With some precautions we returned to playing once a month. This chapter comprised two play sessions. Keoland, Coldeven (March), 590 CY The Next Morning: The goblin caves convinced the band that they needed more power to be successful against the Caves of Chaos. The feline druid Ambiguity disappeared into the mountainous woods on a mysterious errand while the rest of the band chose to hire some mercenaries and attempt to kobold's caverns. The taciturn ranger Gyr left as well, explaining he had to scout elsewhere in the area, but told the band that his hawk might bring them word, or an ally called "Jack-be-Nimble." Corvus (priest of Pholtus),  Zask (mysterious spellcaster) , Blacktoof (half-orc barbarian), and Evryhss (elvish adventurer) took on a new partner, Redd, a dwarven paladin. Then they hired four mercenary men-at-arms - Skargard, Jimbo, Maliin, and Kako.  They journeyed to the kobold caverns, hidden amongst thickets on a hillside. Almost

First Foray against the Caves, Chapter 2, Book I

DnD in the park! Our game sessions were interrupted by Covid, we tried some online play via Facebook, which got the group through the introduction to each other (see Chapter 1 ) but we were anxious to return to tabletop play, In April 2021 we decided it was safe enough to play at a local park - it turned out to be a very nice experience. This chapter covers our first two table top sessions. Corvus of Pholtus Keoland, Coldeven (March), 590 CY The Next Morning: A small band began this quest to discover word of the Giants and their allies. The initial band included Corvus, a priest of Pholtus, the mysterious Zask, Blacktoof, a half-orc barbarian, the adventurer Evryhss, and the Rakastan druid Ambiguity. The group was joined as well by a warrior who named himself Gyr, clearly quite experienced in the wildlands.  Leaving early in the morning the band chose to travel through the woods north of the road, looking for signs of the fabled Caves of Chaos. The party spotted a large hobgoblin patr

Arriving at the Keep, Chapter 1, Book I

Keoland, Coldeven (March), 590 CY The Game Begins: You have travelled for several days in a small caravan from the city of Cryllor, leaving the Realm and entering into the wilder area of the Borderlands. Farms and villages have become less frequent and travelers few. The road has climbed higher as you enter the forested and mountainous country. You now move up a narrow, rocky track. A sheer wall of natural stone is on your left, the path falling away to a steep cliff on the right. There is a small widening ahead, where the main gate to the Keep is. The blue-clad men-at-arms who guard the entrance shout at your caravan to give your names and state your business. All along the wall you see curious faces peering down at you - eager to welcome new champions of law, but ready with crossbow and pole arm to give another sort of welcome to enemies. The caravan master quickly answers for himself, his muleteers, and his guards. Then he motions for you, as fellow travels to shout up your names an

The Battle of Saltmarsh

  Kord's Bride alongside the Saltmarsh docks. The Battle of Saltmarsh 12th  Ready'reat, 589 CY The Battle of Saltmarsh was the culmination of the "Secrets of Saltmarsh" campaign.  The party had crushed the smugglers, taken their ship, defeated the smugglers' contacts, the brothers Marcel and Jean Tarascon, and their zombie horde, formed an alliance with the lizardmen and aquatic elves against the sahuagin threat, then scouted the sahuagin lair. Then, in a vicious battle in the sea devils' temple they slew their priests and warlords, and cleansed their shrine. The fortress was destroyed. Unfortunately, many of the sahuagin survived the loss of their lair. They had been spurred to their coastal raids by a monk of the Scarlet Brotherhood, she and her pirate henchmen now came forward to join the sahuagin in a direct assault on Saltmarsh.  That monk, Mistress Ingrid, hoped that her pirates and the sea devils could reverse defeat before she had to report to her fai