
Showing posts from February, 2022

First Foray against the Caves, Chapter 2, Book I

DnD in the park! Our game sessions were interrupted by Covid, we tried some online play via Facebook, which got the group through the introduction to each other (see Chapter 1 ) but we were anxious to return to tabletop play, In April 2021 we decided it was safe enough to play at a local park - it turned out to be a very nice experience. This chapter covers our first two table top sessions. Corvus of Pholtus Keoland, Coldeven (March), 590 CY The Next Morning: A small band began this quest to discover word of the Giants and their allies. The initial band included Corvus, a priest of Pholtus, the mysterious Zask, Blacktoof, a half-orc barbarian, the adventurer Evryhss, and the Rakastan druid Ambiguity. The group was joined as well by a warrior who named himself Gyr, clearly quite experienced in the wildlands.  Leaving early in the morning the band chose to travel through the woods north of the road, looking for signs of the fabled Caves of Chaos. The party spotted a large hobgoblin patr