
Showing posts from January, 2025

Bloody Dawn, Chapter 6 Book I

The Minotaur from the Caves of Chaos [ artist Bill Willingham  B2: The Keep on the Borderlands , p20] From the Chronology: 8 Coldeven (March), 590 CY The party camps in the woods not far from the Caves to rest overnight. The orcs turn out to be crafty as well, and launch a morning attack on the party's campsite. Both tribes have allied for the attack, they also brought in the gnolls and hired the minotaur.  The party fights a fierce fight and manages to slay most of their foes.   The Narrative: The players set up camp for the night, hoping to get a good nights rest and recover some spells before another bloody foray into the Caves. Two of the party, Evryhss (elvish adventurer) & Gozara (barbarbian warrior) departed to spend the night in the Keep.  The PCs remaining in the camp were Corvus (priest of Pholtus), Sheila (paladin of Pholtus),  Zask (mysterious spellcaster), Redd (dwarven paladin), Olga (Dwarven Scout),  Blacktoof (half-orc barbarian),...