Kobolds Chaos, Chapter 3, Book I
Playing in the Pandemic! With some precautions we returned to playing once a month. This chapter comprised two play sessions, played in June & July 2021. Keoland, Coldeven (March), 590 CY The Next Morning: The goblin caves convinced the band that they needed more power to be successful against the Caves of Chaos. The feline druid Ambiguity disappeared into the mountainous woods on a mysterious errand while the rest of the band chose to hire some mercenaries and attempt to kobold's caverns. The taciturn ranger Gyr left as well, explaining he had to scout elsewhere in the area, but told the band that his hawk might bring them word, or an ally called "Jack-be-Nimble." Corvus (priest of Pholtus), Zask (mysterious spellcaster) , Blacktoof (half-orc barbarian), and Evryhss (elvish adventurer) took on a new partner, Redd, a dwarven paladin. Then they hired four mercenary men-at-arms - Skargard, Jimbo, Maliin, and Kako. They journeyed to the kobold caverns, hidden amongst...