
Showing posts from May, 2024

Chronology of the Awakened Legends Campaigns

The Awakened Legends  campaigns are part of the larger  Lúmequentalë Númenostan, the fancy name I have given to the many interrelated Dungeons & Dragons campaigns I have run since I started gaming in 1980.  More on the  Lúmequentalë Númenostan can be found here , including a a chronology of the campaigns. The Awakened Legends  have marked a return to the Greyhawk  campaign setting after decades of running campaigns primarily in the Forgotten Realms and Spelljammer settings.  This chronology only mentions non-campaign events that impact southern Keoland and its surrounding lands.  Chronology 582 CY  The continent wide "Greyhawk Wars" begin in the Flanaess. At first they seem focused to the north around Iuz and Furyondy, and in the east around the Great Kingdom, far from Keoland.  583 CY  At the height of the Greyhawk Wars, giants from the surrounding mountains conquer the Grand Duchy of Geoff and Sterich. The Scarlett Brotherhood conquers the Hold of the Sea Princes thr